Robin hood legend of sherwood hd mod
Robin hood legend of sherwood hd mod

robin hood legend of sherwood hd mod

  • Anti-Villain: Longchamps has shades of this.
  • Annoying Arrows: Arrows inflict 10 damage (out of an average of 100 hit points) while crossbow bolts inflict 20.
  • An Axe to Grind: Sir Scathlock's weapon of choice.
  • She heals, has a bow with a 12 arrow quiver, can revive unconscious people, can listen to detect the identity of shrouded units, and packs a deadly sword to boot. The last major character gotten in game, and a major asset. It presents the classic tale of Robin Hood in videogame format, though it is by no means the first game to do so. Like Spellbound's earlier creation, Desperados, it utilizes a 2.5D engine with quick action queuing and the ability to see enemy vision cones. Robin Hood : The Legend of Sherwood is an action/adventure/fantasy/historical/real time strategy/role playing game developed by the German studio Spellbound.

    robin hood legend of sherwood hd mod

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    robin hood legend of sherwood hd mod

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    #Robin hood legend of sherwood hd mod manual

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  • Robin hood legend of sherwood hd mod